Friday, October 22, 2021


Tom MacDonald - "Fake Woke"

So spoit on even if he isn't speaking the INCONVENEINT truths that the comfortable LIES are built UPON. Global warming and cooling is caused by the 240,000 year rotation of the galactic bulge with grand solar maximums occurring at perihelion and grand solar minimums at aphelion changing every 60,000 years. We are currently at event 201,(000) of the 240k rotation of the galactic bulge. But the real inconvenient truth about the galactic Milankovitch cycles causing our climate cycles is teh Precession of the 7 north stars because every 12,000 years our solar system passes thru the galaxies double torus electromagnetic gravitational center causing the END TIMES with EMP plasma burst and Z pinching Pillars of EM fire if you will, Oort cloud comet impacts and east to west tsunami mud flood Noah's floods if you will. It's a cycle and grade 5 science could debunk co2 caused climate cycles. cause and effect, closed loop and energy is neither created nor destroyed. On this planet. All energy in this galaxy comes from and or returns to the galactic Nucleus/Bulge. Covid like CO2 is a comfortable LIE built upon an inconvenient truth. The Baby Boomers who were born en mass 76 years ago are starting to die en mass from the usual suspects of seasonal FLu which leads to Pneumonia and old age. The MASK of the BEAST to Buy or Sell is a pretext for the heavy metal vacc + 5G FINAL SOLUTION depopulation before the conjunction of the planets causes cataclysms. It takes 10 years to develop a vacc IF and only IF you can isolate the virus. Which they can't because it is the Seasonal Flu and Baby Boom turning into Seniors Bust. Jesus loved all races because there is only one race the HUMAN race with only one minority the INDIVIDUAL human. Don't let yourselves be divided & conquered along race creed and religious lines. I saw it happen in three genocides perpetrated by the MATRIX Stream Media.
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