Monday, July 17, 2006


Blogging from the Middle East

Here is a great way of finding out whats happening on the ground in the Middle East through Bloggers.

I was up all night reading this one blog in which they were having a very lively discussion on the goings on and after something like 330 comments they decided they needed a forum to better express their ideas, grievances and maybe just maybe formulate a plan of action to get themselves out of this mess they are in.
They decided to name their forum holmhalom which means in both Lebanese and Jewish Hope but with a little different spelling.

There was also this link to google maps of the war zone with events and happenings if your into that. I had to enter it into a browser and hit enter so that it would open google earth, I couldn't find how to input it directly into google earth.

Iranian English broadcasting radio for the other side of the story.
From reading some of the story's on this site I would have to say this isn't a war of bullets but a war of propaganda and censorship.
When will we ever get hand held satellite internet accessable devices to curb propaganda and censorship like takes place around the world to create false conflicts.
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