Saturday, June 10, 2006


Rationalization or Nationalization from Sue's blog



Excuse me Premier, don't mean to upset the summer festivities but while you were on your equalization visit with your fellow Premiers, Tory MP Brian Jean was proposing a federal government program to move unemployed Newfoundlanders and Labradorians to Alberta.

Where were our members? Well rookie Scott was playing for the home team in France as our well seasoned representative on the seal harvest. He just voted with the Tories on Afghanistan right? Well a trip for a trip, his sounds more fun though.

Did not see anything Bill Matthews said, he was busy doing PR for Hearn. Byrne I guess was in the middle of taking flack for asking for equality for Newfoundlanders and Labradorians, as his past government saw fit to do nothing. Does not make what he says wrong though.

I don't know where Todd is.

Rest of piece plus commentary.

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