Monday, May 29, 2006


Will it ever change

I think the real question we need to ask ourselves is will it ever change?

By it I'm referring to how Canadians think of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians.

Some people say there is a conspiracy but the truth is it isn't so much a conspiracy as an accpeted frame of mind. The National Media and hence Canadians think NL'ians are bums, EI draws on the system a drain on the system, Inbred, yadda yadda.

We've seen it time and time again in the national press with stories like Margarete Wente, Bill Lankof, Paul Watson, numerous Annonomous commentors around the blogs.

And narry a word of dissention amongst Canadians. Not a letter of disapproval from Letters to the editor other than NL'ians themselves. Not one editor fired not one word of support and discred from Canadian Politicians nope it must be true or at least accepted as truth because of ignorance.

Discrimination comes about because of ignorance and disinformation and if the way NL'ians get treated in Canada is any indication then discrimination is by far the most appropriate term to use when referring to NL's place in Canada.
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