Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Whats wrong with our fishery

Our fishermen only work so many months of the year. Not good enough. Either they get employed by the feds to put Man made Reefs out there in protected areas or they fish farm in their off season EI shouldn't be apart of the equation. Unless of course it is used to pay for some kind of work. Especially with what is happening now where by the Feds have mismanaged one of the worlds largest food sources into oblivion. They have an obligation to find a cure by accepting responsibility for their disastrous actions.

If we are to compete against China we need to do it with quality, and factory freezer packing ships not draggers are the way to go IMHO since fish spoils well degrades almost immediately after leaving the water and within one hour has significantly lowered in quality.

No Canadian should be put out of work because foreigners are catching fish off our coast on our continental shelf.

We have to stop harvesting the life blood of the fish ecosystem the capelin for their roe only and throwing back the dead ones.

Stop the draggers and actually try and restore some of the breeding zones with man made reefs.

Utilize all of the seal change the quota system to allow sealers to bring all of the seal ashore for use without fear of losing out on the quotas. Individual quotas of boat quotas. ARAa's actually argue this point saying all of the dead seal carcasses rotting starves the oxygen from the water thus killing of fish. If our rivers are any indication they are party right the oxygen content in our rivers has been lowered by acid rain but there is a fix for the rivers in lime dosers. The ocean is a bigger fish to fry. Maybe limestone Reefs they are supposed to work quite well and would actually improve the water quality hard bottom required.

I really don't agree with the statement being put out there that there are to many fish plants and not enough fish. If the foreigners can find enough fish then there are fish there for Canadians Canada just needs the political will to protect Atlantic interests. Right now the only interests Canada is interested in protecting are central Canadians where the votes are. It is Inherant in the system I don't blame the politicians they would have to be either a great leader or insane to disregard the dynamics of Canada's Imperialist Colonial/Federation geared towards centralization. in favor of supporting Atantic. (Caveat as long as there is full time work keeping in mind fishing is like rabbit catching it is cyclical in nature hence the need for Aquaculture)

You know some people are saying NL wants out of Confederation but they are wrong it is actually more like NL, Atlantic Canada and the west want in but the political and social system which Canada has doesn't permit our politicians to actually campaign on including the west or the east without commiting political suicide in Central Canada.

Hence the lackluster approach to the SeaMap initiative and claiming the continental shelf in accordance with the United Nation Law of The Sea article 76.

Personally I think Canada would rather see all of he fish landed on mainland Canada or bartered and sold of to foreigners in favor of trade concessions for central Canada. Canada sees the fishery ads a drain on it's overall bottom line due to the seasonal nature and in part they are right but they have also made it like that by not investing back into the fishery through Aquaculture and protecting the resource. Freaking ludicrous and crazy it is what Canada has done to Atlantc Canada and the West as well for that matter Quebec had it right all of these years and we thought they were just being well Quebec.
Personally I think Canada would rather see all of he fish landed on mainland Canada

That would be great, if all the fish were landed in mainland Canada, Labrador.

Why do you Newfoundlanders talk about "the mainland" as if it were another province?
Get of your high horse.

Maybe I should have said the Maritimes since as you pointed out Newfoundland has a mainland component as well Labrador even though it is cut of from the rest of Canada by Quebec!
Maybe I should have said the Maritimes since as you pointed out Newfoundland has a mainland component

I pointed out no such thing! Newfoundland does NOT have a mainland component. Newfoundland and Labrador, however, does.

as well Labrador even though it is cut of from the rest of Canada by Quebec!

Typical Newfoundlander. Instead of viewing Quebec as an opportunity and as a gateway to the rest of the country and continent, you, in your typical Newfoundland paranoia, view it as a threat or an enemy.

Why don't you say the same thing about Cape Breton, or Nova Scotia, or the Maritimes, that they "cut us off" from the rest of Canada?

Get off YOUR high horse, my friend. We have to work with the geography we are given.
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