Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Shipping/Aircraft controllers

Apparently there is a black box on every ship of a certain size. Certainly a requirement on those foreign fishing factory freezer draggers and Canadian flags of convienience factory freezer Draggers. This box is transmitting a signal with it's GPS coordinates and vessel identification all the time by law.

Now there are some draw backs in that the signal isn't being picked up by satellite it is only broadcasting on a radio frequency I guess. SO the only time the actuall position of all of the ships on the high seas is really known is when they are close to land and receiving stations.

GPS Shipping

Canadian observers on US nuclear subs.

Loran C

Computer software which plots and tracks each and every ship.

With a system like this in place we wouldn't need to patrol the 200 mile limit or continental shelf it would be automatically reported.

Can't find the exact name of this particular initiative will keep looking if someone knows what it's call I would appreciate the info Thanks.
Automatic Identification System (AIS)

This system lets the Coast guard know where every ship is what it's carrying speed destination etc etc.
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