Thursday, May 25, 2006


Knee jerk Conservatives attack Symptoms and are oblivious to the root causes

Harper's government is starting to look more and more like a leaderless kneejerk empire more and more every day.

I don't think his government has put forth one attack the cause proposal or plan yet it is all kneejerk attack the symtoms when the root cause of our societal woes are still going to be there just now people are going to be punished for governments lack of compassion and poor iinsight into how to achieve a cohesive and prosperous country.

From my experience Kneejerk people are just bowing to the winds of the day depending on which ass is farting the most. Just a sign of poor leadership unwillingness to take the bull by the horns and implement a vision for the future.

The NDP has some pretty good root cause policies in their platform but we will never see them because of Mouseland.
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