Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Sounds like Posturing to me Esso/Exxon

When was the last time an oil company made a press releases stating it was breaking up a negotiating team. Or threaten that a project will take two years to start up again.

I'm pretty sure they phone and lobby MP's all the time. But this time is in a bit of a different capacity this time they are on the defensie and they state as much by threatening that they are consulting their legal teams.

You can't beat these people ESSO on a political scene or in the courts because they have to much money but at the pumps ESSO where it hurts them the most is how you apply pressure.

From what I've read and been following with this Hebron Ben-Nevis deal Newfoundland and Labrador doesn't seem to be asking anything off the wall just a stake in their own resources.

Why else would the other three companies involved be ok with the deal but Exxon/Esso be the only one who wants 500 million in tax concessions. Coming tfrom a company that made the highest profits in the history of man last year 10 000 000 BILLION. It isn't hard to see why with them making demands from NL on this Hebron deal.
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