Thursday, March 09, 2006


I can stop my Boycott against Tim Horton's now

Thank-God I was starting to go into withdrawal and was missing out on the RRRRRRRRolllll up the RRRRRRim contest.

Why was I boycotting Tim Horton's you might ask. Well having served in the military and drank military coffee if I was lucky any little piece of home goes along way when you are along way from home. So I decided to boycott Tim's as a personal solidarity move for my fellow comrades in arms serving abroad.

<<<-- Winner of a new truck from Tim Horton's.

Thank-You! Tim Horton's on behalf of our troops and myself as well.
pulled in the local timmies last week and went to close to the drive through window.clipped my mirror in a donation box there.cost me $120 for a new one.won a donut !!!!!
OW Sorry I had a chuckle at that but thanks. Drinking my XL double double at I type MMMM TY Tims for supporting our troops and allowing me to enjoy your coffee again. I gave an extra big tip this morning and told the girl thanks for supporting our troops. I doubt she even knew what I was talking about.
I counted over 120 Tim Horton's cups on the side of the street as I walked to work this morning. That's only twenty minutes...

Is it litter, or free advertising? Who knows; all I know is that it was disgusting. Maybe a renewal of your boycott? Oh well, had to try...

At least it's Canadian trash on our lawns!

Infamous Speakeasy
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