Tuesday, March 28, 2006


FFAW calls for Feds cease issuing permits / Change quota allocation


Good stuff.

I've been thinking lately that the regulations concerning the hunt could do with some revamping also. Specifically the first come first serve for the quotas. IMHO this isn't conducive towards a humane seal fishery. We all know that man no matter who or where he is from has a little greed within him and the way the quota is set up it only promotes killing as many seals in as short a time to try and get as many as possible before the season is closed. This first come first serve regulation also doesn't promote taking the seal carcasses back to shore for secondary processing into food or fish and animal food because time is of the essence and the top dollar is in the pelts while the remainder goes to waste. Where as if each sealer has an individual quota or each boat then time wouldn't be such a mitigating factor and the fishermen could make several trips to fulfill their quota while utilizing the entire seal as a source of income.

There was also a man on VOCM the other day from NS who was expressing his dismay at the lack of a quota for NS landsmen due to past landing history due exactly to this regulation. It would also be much easier to monitor the overall TAC with this type of quota allocation because each man or boat would know exactly how many he is allowed to take and could do it over time instead of the mad rush as is the present practice. By extending the season in this fashion it would also be more prohibitive for the protestors because as we all know they are only out for the quick buck and don't have the intestinal fortitude to do any amount of extended time out on the ice floes. Also since this is a commercial hunt by legislating that all of the seal be utilized in some manner even if it is to make fish and animal food the skulls of all of the seals could be checked for humane killing at the landing place as opposed to out on the ice floes.


Emailed to
TO: president@ffaw.nfld.net, stoffp@parl.gc.ca, jack@fed.ndp.ca, Hearn.L@parl.gc.ca, waylonw@combinedcouncils.ca, Mackay.P@parl.gc.ca, pm@pm.gc.ca, Byrne.G@parl.gc.ca, laytoj@parl.gc.ca, info@nlfirst.ca, bakerg@sen.parl.gc.ca, KathyGoudie@gov.nl.ca, GerryReid@gov.nl.ca, jackharris@mail.gov.nf.ca, Premier@gov.nl.ca, hynesa@mail.gov.nl.ca, Graham.B@parl.gc.ca, nlfm@nlfm.nf.ca

>To: gtmakmc@hotmail.com
>Subject: FFAW/CAW News Advisory
>Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 11:52:52 -0500
><<<<<<<<<< FFAW ENEWS Update >>>>>>>>>>
>FFAW/CAW Calls on Federal Government to Cease Issuing Permits to Animal Rights Groups. To read the full news release click on the associated link below or visit our website at www.ffaw.nf.ca.
>Please visit the following associated links:
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