Saturday, March 04, 2006


Contrary to popular belief this is a seal

Great Post here by Wayne from over at Table mountains.

Latest surveys put the seal populations at
6000000 Harp seals
2000000 Hood seals
1000000 Other species of seals of which there are some 30 plus.

Don't ask me to provide corroborating links because I can't remember where I saw these numbers but i did see them in many places.

The only species under threat of extinction are the prey of the overabundant seals like but not solely restricted to cod because Seals will anything and everything most times just enough of a bite to kill the affected prey while leaving the rest to die and rot on the bottom.

Ugly seals beatles parody.
I like your 'cod piece'. It shows you put a lot of thought into this subject. Are you involved in the fishing industry?

Re: the Beatles Parody. I laughed but I felt guilty doing it. :-)
No I am not nor have ever been involed in the fishing industry nor seal hunt.
But I'm not so naive to think my meat comes from a styrofoam tray and all killing is a gory and blood filled spectacle. Just because it takes place out in the open on white ice doesn't change that fact.

There are some
6000000 harp seals
2000000 Hood seals
1000000 other species of seals which number in the range of 20 to 30 of the East coast of Canada alone.

If anything should be banned it is the caplin harvest for their roe alone while the dead female caplin are thrown back dead. That and the foreign over fishing by countries like Mr McCartneys Britain of our coast and our continental shelf in accordance with article 76 of the UN law of the Sea.

Balanced Nature Not Balanced ARA's check books


Canadian veteranarian study

Seal killing 8 foot sturgeon

Video of dead fish on bay from seals

Real reason

Meet your meat

Endangered fish
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