Monday, March 27, 2006


Animal Rights Activists on the defensive

The Hypocritical Society of the Unholy Scabs HSUS has felt it necessary to refute the Myths web site put up by DFO. with their own spin of half truths and outright lies.

I'm not going to go into detail about their so called truths because I haven't been feeling well and just don't have the fortitude too.

Seal meat isn't used. Who's fault is that the ARA's everytime a new market or use was found for seal these ARA's would lobby and protest to have it shut down so noone is to blame here but the ARA's them selves.

The list of restaurants that the HSUS says are boycotting Canadian sea food is misleading at best and more probably an outright falsehood.

Seals eat cods predators. Yes seals eat everything shrimp, crab, lobster, halibut you name it a seal will kill and maybe maybe eat some if any of it. Seals are the coyote Wolf of the deep. A seal eats 8% of it's body weight each and every day. Most seals weigh in between 2 and 400 pounds. Seals are migrating further and further south each year in search of food. They are even migrating up into inland water ways and eating trout and salmon. A moritorium has been in effect since 1992 on the east coast and the fish still haven't recovered. Seals are starving by the eidence that they normally become reproductive at the age of 4 but in recent years it is taking up to 6 years for them to become reproductive because of the shortage in food as seen in the fishery.
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