Monday, February 27, 2006


Support our troops!

If you want to send anything over to our troops or the people in the area where our troops are currently serving you can drop off packages at your nearest Military base. I would advise keeping the package open untill the proper authorities have a chance to look at the contents mainly due to international law about imports etc.

Since not everyone lives near a base or aren't allowed or arent comfortable about going onto a base I'm thinking the next best thing location wise to drop of items for Afganistan or our troops in Afganistan would be for the Legion to take a role in forwarding any items collected on to the nearest base where it can be forwarded to Afganistan.

If Canada Post and the government can be brought onboard this would allow any Canadian living anywhere to help support our troops by helping the countries in which they are trying to bring peace and order.

Since most of our military planes flying over to these missions aren't quite full there is a great opportunity here for normal everyday people to donate new or used things that can be distributed by our troops to the people of the country in which they are serving to help win hearts and minds. With little to no cost to the donator since this is generally the most prohibitive reason why donations can't be sent over to foreign countries.

Some of the things I noticed were especially welcome by people in these third world countries were Ballons and candy for the kids. Hand held radios for the adults. Clothes, blankets, If you can put items into tupperware or plastic containers these are always welcome because they allow for items to be stired such that the sand and dust is kept out. These hand held radios would be of much more use in winning hearts and minds if we had our own radio broadcasting station in each base. Look at previous post where I mentioned Suitcase FM broadcasting radio station for 5000$.

The old saying one mans junk is another mans treasure really is true for these third world countries where they have little to nothing in comparison to our life style.

Might be a good idea to have a common emblem on all the boxes. Something like the support our troops ribbon emblem.
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