Sunday, February 26, 2006


Ramble Outmigration, Sex and water, Cash Cow

So you want to stop the outmigration.

I heard a show on CBC a while back where a Quebec town was in dire straits of losing their school.
They formed a committee to brain storm on ideas on how to curb the outmigration and how they could retain their school. Losing your school isn't anything personal it is just numbers. This town which I think was in the Eastern Town ships decided to offer free or subsidized housing to any family that had 3-4 kids to move to their town. They started the ball rolling by buying a couple of vacant houses and offering them up. Since small town living is a good atmosphere for raising kids they were innundated with requests. They caught the attention of the national media at least Quebecs national media and it snow balled from there.

Another route would be to promote adoption to increase your numbers since there are lots of kids in the world needing a home this should be an easy sell to the local populace. What better way to integrate immigrants that to accept them into your home as a member of your family. There won't be any segregration with different communities forming to feel at home home will be amongst the locals.

As far as work goes with the increasing availability of High speed internet and work from home there are lots of job opportunities out there that can be done from anywhere. I'm surprised they haven't started telemarketing from peoples homes. What with three way calling and VOIP it Online courses it would be to easy to implement something like this.

You would also think that NL would be using their infamy for the most passionate/often lovers as a advertising slogan as well. I guess governments can't use Sex Drugs and Rock and roll like private companies do not politically correct. Oh well arms length always seems to work at transferring the blame somewhere else. If I were a water bottling company I would be using these studies to my benefit. Buy and drink NL water it is the most passionate love making water in the world.

Is it time to kill the cash cow and feed the people?
Cash Cow is Hibernia. While our province may be leading the way in growth and GDP money without jobs and security doesn't put food on the table or give people a sense of purpose or well being at a job well done and pay check well deserved.
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