Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Don't buy a new computer now

Windows Vista the new Windows operating system is set to be released the second half of this year. Formerly known as Long horn this new OS has been long awaited.

As soon as this ne OS is released every computer with windows XP on it will instantly become obsolete unless you buy the new OS and update. generally an update costs somewhere in the range of 150$ AND A FULL VERSION will run you somewhere in the range 500$.

Now most new OS's ususally have bugs upon first release but this release has been going through alot of Beta testing so it may not have as many bugs as previous releases which required updates immediately upon release. Windows Vista
"Now most new OS's ususally have bugs upon first release but this release has been going through alot of Beta testing so it may not have as many bugs as previous releases which required updates immediately upon release."

...Now where have I heard that before? Oh, yeah, just before the release of Windows XP. And Windows 2000. And Windows ME. And Windows 98SE. And Windows 98...

This is why last year I got the heck out of Windows, picked up a Mac, and haven't looked back.
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