Saturday, February 18, 2006


Cuban spin on the news/Winning hearts and minds

You wonder why the Muslim communities and other non west communities have such a hate on for the west well try listening to some news from sources other than the west.

I'll give you an example of one such news story and the spin non Western news agencies give to certain stories.

I was listening to Radio Havana Cuba last night and they were discussing how the US was hypocritical towards Iran reference to their desire for Nuclear generating capacity.

From the memory hole so I'm paraphrasing.

The Announcer say that the Us was hypocritical towards Iran because Israel has some 200 nuclear weapons I think it was actually war heads not sure. The US supports and condones Israels possession of these weapons even though Israel hasn't signed onto any of the nuclear non proliferation treaties and such. While at the same time the US is about to invade Iran because it wants to develop Nuclear energy.

They also talked about the cartoon debolicle and the reasoning behind invading Iraq but My memory is to sketchy to quote. Sorry I tried to find some links to the program but couldn't find any.

This is the normal spin Cuba puts on its news always a anti US spin but with enough truth to be believable. I could just imagine what the spin being put on the US invasion of Iraq is being put on by the Muslim extremists and Immans.

This isn't a war of bullets but a war of media spin. It isn't enough to convince the west that we need to spread the truth and democracy in Muslim countries we need to spread the truth and democracy in Arabic in the Muslim countries to the Muslim people to counteract the anti and negative spin being put out there.

How do you go about this? Short wave radio in all the pertinant languages to all of the pertinant countries. When I was in Africa the one thing that stood out to me was every man woman and child mainly men walked around with a portable radio glued to their ear. I don't imagine alot of them were Short wave radios but mainly Am/FM.

If our troops are going to be deployed in these areas they need a ways and means of reaching the people. Winning hearts and minds.

Now IMHO these radio stations should be set up in our camps for security reasons and mild censorship. Be run mostly by native people speaking their native language.

Once we leave the radios should be donated to the town or country.

Here is a suitcase broadcasting radio station that can run on solar or batteries at a cost of 5000$ US per unit with a broadcasting range of 50 KM basic and upgradeable to higher levels with additions this should be an essential to any UN mission.
This invention or innovation is also a canadian initiative. The innovaters want to see every country and village have its own broadcasting radio station.
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