Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Election trail tales by Dan Douglas LOL!

Pure gold here LOL. Read the entire article it's worth it! Lots of your number one with me of the camera.

Unofficially, Paul Martin's speech writer, Scott Feschuk, has revealed the prime minister's "Top 10 Resolutions for 2006" in his blog on the Liberal party website, as follows:

10. Publish my sonnets.

9. Use Canada's international reputation as a peacemaker to permanently reunite Pink Floyd.

8. Replace cliched old phrase "very, very" with dynamic new phrase "very, very, very."

7. No diet. Just South Beach.

6. "Hello, PMO switchboard? Put me through to Naomi Watts."

5. Work with provinces to pass a constitutional amendment requiring each senator to dress like their favourite Osmond.

4. Remember to change the wood shavings on the bottom of Feschuk's cage.

3. Set aside $6 million from the next federal budget - build bionic man.

2. Maybe infer from the gleam of rage in my sons' eyes that I should stop speaking out publicly about how desperately Sheila and I want a grandchild?

And the prime minister's No. 1 resolution for 2006:

1. Surround myself with a whole new bunch of idiots.
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