Thursday, January 26, 2006


Border crossing alternatives

IMHO I think all border crossings should have some sort of road spikes or barricade to close of access.

There should also be observation windows or cameras to view under each and every vehicle.

All of these incidents as of late about our security really makes me wonder if we aren't being trifled with?
BC Border crashing.
US ambassadors claim that the north isn't canadian.

If I were a paranoid person and looked into the result wanted from such postering it would seem the US is giving Harper justification with the people to beef up our military and border crossings.

Don't get me wrong I think we need to do these things but I don't like being pressured into thinking we need them .

In Switzerland they have premade explosive holes in all of their bridges with the explosives siting close by for immediate access.
All of their tunnels and choke points have some sort of Barricade system ready to be put in place at a moments notice. I beam slots at the entrances to tunnels etc.
Every man and women serve some time in their militia.

You don't become and remain a NEUTRAL country without planning to stay that way.
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