Thursday, September 15, 2005


Accept responsibilty and take ownership of

If your kid does something wrong, you expect him take responsibility for his actions. Whether that be an apology, reparations, monetary reimbursement, punishment Grounded, or jail, Community service. But the underlying message is take control and reponsibilty for your own actions.

They didn’t do it to us we let them do it! Face up to the fact and accept responsibility for your own lot in life. If you don’t stand up for, and defend your own interests NLFirst no one else will.

It’s time to grow up and do something completely on our own.
-Take control of our own lives and accept responsibility for any mistakes we might make.
-Get our taxes back and do it on our own with our revenue taxes and income taxes.
-Sure were going to make mistakes everybody does, nothing wrong with making mistakes, it’s not learning from your mistakes that is wrong.

Stop asking for hand outs and demand what is rightfully yours!

You can start by electing Federal Independent representatives NLFirst to take ownership of our interests.

Stop depending on the charity of federal parties to represent NLFirst elect our own party to represent NLFirst

Until you take control of your own life your own interests you will always be blaming anything that’s goes wrong on somebody else and never take ownership of your own actions. While if anything goes right the people in charge of your life will take the credit.

It’s all well and good to say elect Independants to represent NLFirst, but we also need people to run as independents. There should be at least one NLFirst independent for each riding. If you don’t feel comfortable with being in the lime light as a candidate . You could at least recommend or lobby to have the candidate of your choice run. Support goes along way in helping good people who are on the fence to run.

With a federal election imminently looming on the horizon, now is the time to get organized and recommend, lobby for and offer your support for the candidate of your choice, before we are caught with our pants down once again!
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