Monday, August 22, 2005


Eradicate illiteracy using Closed Captioning

I’m not sure if people don’t know or if they don’t carry? I tend to think they don’t know, that just about every TV sold this day and age has the capability for Closed Captioning.

In case you don’t know what closed captioning is, it’s kind of like Karaoke for your tv.
When my kids were younger I would search high and low for sing along (Karaoke) video tapes for my children. It’s not that I wanted them to become Celin Dions or anything like that but rather the way I figured it was if they were going to watch TV the least I could do was to have them read along or sing along with the words. It probably didn’t help that I was posted in Germany and Quebec at the time and it seemed as if my children would speak German and French before English.

I first realized that Closed Captioning was available when one lucky summer, I was able to visit NL and my brother who is hard of hearing had bought a new TV that had CC turned on. I was simply flabbergasted. Everything was CC even the hockey games!

Now in order to learn there are several ways to go about it. You can read (see) it CC, you can hear it turn sound up LOL, do it generally needed for hands on topics not knowledge topics. Everybody must have seen the ABC’s along the walls of school rooms this is a prime example of CC in it’s infancy. Flash cards would be another good example.
Just imagine though if every child had CC turned on for his or her TV watching time, illiteracy would be eradicated basically immediately starting with this generation!

You could even learn another language because most if not all movies have CC in both English French and usually Spanish for the American Spanish market.

I remember when I was in Quebec most of their movies had CC, sub titles for the movies because the movies from Hollywood are English.
Now with the advent of translation software it seems as if every program or commercial has CC of one degree of quality or another. You can tell which ones are software rendered CC because it is comical at times.

My advice to new parents is don't get mad take a picture! It can be used as black mail fun at weddings or for profit on shows like funnies home video's.

I've got a few good ones
sleeping in spagetti
Toilet paper mummy
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