Sunday, December 15, 2024
Trump Scrambles the UN's Climate Agenda... but they have a Plan B
The CO2 & you are gods climate change great delusion continues.
Jesus said return to the first principles the oracles of God gave to the pharaohs/pharisees as these are just the birthing pains.
"Warm moist air rises at the equator, water clouds come from the west & Noah's tidal wave deluges will be pulled around the planet east to west with the conjunction of the Sun-New moon-mercury & venus every 40 year for the next 1,000 years it takes the earth's orbits to cross the ecliptic. First one in 2033."
Much easier & safer to transport captured EM biological coal/trees fossil/bodies EM energy converted to EM electricity than Coal/trees or Fossil fools/ dead bodies.
"When you see the trees turning green due to rising CO2 from Earth's increasing magnetic north AXIAL TILT thawing frozen Carbon at the poles you are at the door. Knock he will let you in."
Buy an EM EV & leave the EM lights on to reduce Earth's increasing magnetosphere from crossing the ecliptic to create heaven on Earth mitigating global warming fulfilling God's plan. Jesus.
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